

Ummusshabri Foundation Kendari is an educational institution that manages islamic schools starting from Kindergarten (TK), Elementary School (MI), Junior High School (MTs and Senior High School (MA) based on Islamic boarding schools program. All levels of education use a double curriculum (national and international) for 3 (three) subjects, such as Science, Mathematics and English. Meanwhile other subjects use the national curriculum. Ummusshabri Foundation has collaborated with several schools abroad. Starting in 2023, the Ummusshabri Foundation provides programs for Full scholarships for Junior and Senior High School Level  from 4 countries, namely Jordan, Yemen, Palestine and Turkey.

Ummusshabri Scholarship Benefits

  1. Free Tuition
  2. Free round-trip flight tickets for Indonesia – Your Country
  3. Get free uniforms or clothes and stationery
  4. Monthly pocket money
  5. Health insurance every year
  6. Free of any permits or residence fees
  7. Get accommodation in the form of dormitories, meals, and other facilities
  8. Indonesian language course for 3 months

Scholarship Applicant Requirements

  1. Citizen of Jordan, Yemen, Palestine or Turkey.
  2. Have been 13 years old for the Junior High School level Scholarship or completing Elementary School education in the native country, and 16-17 years old for Senior High School or completing Junior High School education in the native country.
  3. Single and not married while studying at Ummusshabri
  4. Never got a warning letter or punishment from the school
  5. Never repeat or be expelled from school without a valid reason
  6. Healthy and have no health problems either mentally or physically
  7. Students must live in the Ummusshabri Dormitory

Document Requirements

  1. Certificate of graduation from previous level of education and transcripts
  2. Copy of identity card (Identity Card, Passport, or Family Card) (choose one)
  3. Health certificate either from a hospital, doctor or health clinic
  4. Photo in size 4 X 6 cm  (6 sheets)
  5. A study permit that can be taken after being accepted in UIS scholarship.
  6. Certified copy of birth certificate
  7. Letter of permission from parents or foster parents to study in Indonesia
  • Note: All documents are translated into English/Indonesian through Accredited/Trusted translator services

Scholarship Application Timeline

  1. Registration until June 15th 2023 (It can be accessed via the link:
  2. Document selection: June 15th – 20th 2023
  3. Online Interview Test : June 25th 2023
  4. Announcement of scholarship grantee after June 27th 2023


Further information: 

  1. Alif (Whatshap number : 08114008586)
  2. Bambang (Whatshap number : 082215493)